Finding rest amidst these tumultuous days
One of my peaceful places. Books, plants, natural light…a few of my favorite things. We all need a place where we can get away and rest. I’ve spent a fair amount of time sitting in this space during the past month. During our winter break (long president’s day weekend), I came down with Covid, and I couldn’t tell you just how many hours I spent sitting in my chair, most days fatigued, one with fever. The timing was actually pretty good if I had to get the cursed illness. Two vacation days plus a snow day thrown in the mix, meant that I “only” needed to take 6 sick days off from work. I was between student PPTs and had just picked up a couple of books from the library, and so settled in for several days of rest. The two books I read were both related to nature and the environment. For the most part, I enjoyed both. But there’s a definite heaviness to both as they relate to the climate crisis and environmental issues. The first I read was Deep Creek, by Pam Houston. The second, The Overstory, by Richard Powers. I found Deep Creek to contain some redemptive light, while The Overstory not so much. Both books contain very good writing, even poetic. The combination of being sick, sad news out of the Ukraine, and overall stress of these days has me realizing that I need to be extra cautious about what I allow my mind to focus on. So lately, I’ve been limiting my news intake and have been selecting lighter, more hopeful and restful reading material. An app that has been a real gem has been the Pray as You Go app. What a treasure!! This app provides a daily, approximately 10 minute prayer meditation. It opens with gentle and beautiful music (a nice mix of Christian, not pop), proceeds to the day’s short scripture reading, followed by a gentle meditation relating to the scripture. I listen to it every day on my commute to work. It really helps me to focus on things that matter most. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I pray that you will find peace, rest, and reassurance wherever you find yourself today and this week. |
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