This time of year, the bluebirds reappear at the feeder. This photo was taken a couple weekends ago at the bird feeder out our back sunroom. Does he not proclaim “JOY”?
I’ve been absent for a while here. I started a few blog posts that sit quietly in my post cache. Sometimes the words just don’t come together to make any sort of cohesive reflection.
Work continues to be challenging and rewarding—requiring most of my time and attention. The number of children in “crisis mode” seems at an all time high. It’s hard to know how to help them. Many come from families in crisis. What can I (and all educators, parents, and grandparents) do but keep showing up, keep doing our best while always striving to do better. Keep loving them, believing in them, and showing them compassion and understanding.
I am grateful for times of refreshing that come in short bursts and give me needed perspective. Whenever I can, I am outdoors with the birds. Though few (and farther between than I would prefer), these times in nature absolutely refresh me—deeply.
This morning, on this President’s Day “off”, I pulled out my computer to finish writing an IEP. It took me most of the morning (work that can’t be done during the school day due to lack of time). Once done with that, I returned to working on our taxes that I began on Saturday. Ugh…these types of paperwork resemble each other in many ways and I find myself gritting my teeth as if trudging through mud. But afterward the sun came out so to speak, and while getting ready for lunch, I noticed a somewhat rare visitor to the backyard. This Northern Flicker spent the better part of a half hour drilling for insects in the ground. Temps are in the low 50s today, luring the bees and other insects out of their winter rest. I imagine his belly must’ve filled up nicely.
I love the many and varied colors and patterns of this handsome species.
This is a ‘Yellow Shafted’ male Northern Flicker. The “mustache” is the distinguishing mark between males and females.
Just posting these pictures and having to google the difference between male and female flickers has refreshed me. Like I said, I find my perspective changing (realigning?) with these opportunities to focus on nature and its inherent beauty, order, peace, and rest.
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