A Plea to Save (and savour) the Wildflowers


Many times I have made a plea to save wildflowers along the fence rows. The sumac, the wild roses, the wisteria, the sunflowers, the gayfeathers stay in the fence rows and can be a nesting spot for quail, rabbits, birds, and other small animals.” 
― Lady Bird Johnson

Last week, almost without thinking, I made my way out into the field behind our house to create a bouquet of wildflowers, being careful to take just a few so as not to disturb the bees, and to leave some for the other creatures of the field.

It was something Michaela and I would do often together every summer. She was always an affectionate child, so we’d go hand in hand, excited to see what we could find to add to our bouquet. 

I’m grateful for happy memories…and wildflowers that reseed themselves, sowing beauty, love, joy, and a resting place for many.


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