Relentless 2020! AND Relentless Beauty and Goodness!

 This summer, or rather year, continues to keep us on our toes. Between the heat & dryness and the impact from Hurricane Isaias this week, the weather has been the top story. The above photo was taken in the late afternoon, actually just prior to Isaias’s arrival, as I was walking the garbage out to the end of the driveway. The heat was oppressive, the lawn dried to a crisp, my flowers struggling—so being outside was not providing the typical uplift. Yet, I happened to look up and see this amazing sky. I’m sure there’re multiple moral take aways, but I’ll go with “there’s always beauty and goodness to be found despite the current circumstances”. Always. It may take more awareness and effort to find it, but I believe this truth deep in my being. It was nice to be reminded.


  1. You mean, you got hurricane effects but - with no rain? That's depressing!

    1. We did get about a quarter inch of rain, which quickly soaked into the dry ground or evaporated. Another hot and dry week on tap. This too shall pass.

  2. I don't think we grow elderberries here in NC. Whenever I hear of them I think of that Monty Python line, "Your mother smells of elderberries!" It seems like that would be a compliment. 🤔 But I really don't know!

    Glad you did okay in Isaias.


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